Success Story
Krystal Munoz ’15
Growing up here in Chicago, I often found myself caught in the transition or exchange from one school to another as my mom was always looking for better education opportunities for my sister and me. One of the last exchanges that I made was to Frances Xavier Warde (FXW), and I can say confidently it was the best decision my mom has ever made—besides having me, of course!
Yet even being at an exceptional school like FXW would not stop my mother on her quest to find an even better education for me. Yet when she tried to do this one last time, I declined her offer. At FXW, I was excelling academically, and I knew I could reach the high school of my dreams if I stayed focused. I also had made new friendships and had joined sports such as basketball and softball, and the team spirit and relationships would have made it even harder for me to leave FXW. The sense of community at FXW and the deep care for others, as well as being surrounded with a talented student body, is something no other school could come close to. My mom’s efforts had paid off and had brought me at the perfect school for me.
Before I knew it, those two and a half years I spent at FXW had come to an end and I would have to leave that special community I loved to attend to Saint Ignatius College Prep. Only this time, I felt that FXW had prepared for this new “exchange.” I knew spiritually I had a solid understanding, and I was curious to learn more about my faith in high school. I was academically confident, and felt prepared for the work load Saint Ignatius had in store for me. And lastly, I was socially open to growth and excited about meeting new classmates.
Thanks to the Children at the Crossroads Foundation and the scholarship that allowed me to attend FXW, I was able to have these wonderful experiences that help me achieve my dreams.